This week the folks I work with at Hexion were nice enough to through me a surprise good-bye party. Even my buds from the kickball team attended. The theme of the party was banana sundaes, and it was quite tasty. If do not normally eat ice cream, so it was an even bigger treat. Big props to JZ for doing the work to pull the party together.
You really best appreciate the people you work with when you are leaving. Many of the people I work with I have been seeing day in and day out for two years. I have always appreciated them and it is hard to say good-bye. From this side (the start), three months away seems like a very long time. I even did those functional things like clean out my office and change my voicemail to refer callers to someone else. In today’s corporate world, it is likely that some of those people I said good-bye to will not still be there and it really was a final parting of ways.
We closed out my last day in the office in true bohemian style by heading over to Bodega. Bodega is located in the Short North area of Columbus, on High Street not far from the Ohio State Campus. Bodega is known for their great Mexican food, excellent selection of microbrews on tap, and funky atmosphere. I counted 50 beers on tap and the selection was highly impressive. Best of all, from 4-8pm they are all half off for happy hour. A hardy group accompanied me in trying many of them and in the end sending me into the night pushed in the direction of Uruguay.
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